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Private workshops and formation activities - customized for you

Who are the workshops for?

  for a captivating and experiential formation activity for teams of workers for cohesion, alleviating work tensions  and familiarity with a space that contains and frees 

For family members, spouses or friends who are interested in an intimate and intimate meeting
For celebrating a birthday, anniversary, bachelorette party and more

Not suitable for pregnancy, recent injuries and special problems *up to 10 participants* 


"What? how come it's the end of the class?"

The trainees do not want the workshop to end
This is why it is said that time flies when you are having fun
Q. Unlike yoga, pilates and fitness training, practicing in a hammock is challenging but - fun and effective


for any age :)

Everyone becomes children and releases inhibitions and resistances
Gravitation produces available and simple benefits for a wide variety of practice goals and quick results in pain prevention, muscle and core strengthening, rehabilitation and even acrobatics


Innovative and groundbreaking practice

Although I have been teaching for about a decade
The practice is still unknown and very surprising

It's a very unique
& diverse expirience

In most of the cases the practitioners are overwhelmed by what they see they were able to do in photos and videos

What will you get in the workshop?

An experiential workshop in which we will taste all the diverse colors of practice that the hammock has to offer  
The workshop can be arranged for a time convenient for you

The practice will be adapted to your level in terms of personal attention and safety
Of course we will take pictures and record your success

The recommended time for the workshop for beginners is one hour of practice
 where we will have time to stretch, flip, fly,  Some aerial acrobatics and wonderful relaxation to finish
Practicing with the hammock in the physical-mental design aspect is very powerful and helps to release tension and balance

Hourly price list
One-on-one private workshop NIS 350
450 couples workshop 
Workshop for three 500
Workshop for 4-10 participants 
instead of 800 

Can be purchased as a gift voucher
For coordination, please contact us on WhatsApp


Welcome to


Who conducts the workshops?


Nice to meet you!
My name is Shelly Tabak, a hammock instructor for about a decade and a mat and equipment pilates instructor with an emphasis on rehabilitation and pregnancy and childbirth.


I bring my knowledge and experience from the world of Pilates and rehabilitation to the group and private lessons with the hammock as well as to courses and workshops throughout the country.
I have veteran groups, experience and constant investigation of the field, over the years and with diverse populations - from advanced groups to postpartum and pregnancy classes.  
I have already conducted many courses in the last three years and there are over 100 graduates throughout the country.
My dream is to make the hammocks accessible to everyone :) 
In an interview with me on Channel 10 - I briefly talk about the wonders of the hammock and about me -


For a deeper acquaintance comehere



An introductory workshop with the hammock for the professional audience


Bamza 42 Tel Aviv

If the hammock always called you
But you haven't had time to fly yet
Come get to know the hammock and taste its variety of capabilities
In an exposure workshop of about two hours


We will practice a full lesson and get to know the method I developed to make this unique practice accessible to diverse audiences
You will be exposed to the updated course content

and ask all the questions
that you always wanted to ask and I would be happy to answer 



Maza 42 Tel Aviv
0 NIS for early registration
Full price NIS 200 starting 10/1
*Participants of the workshop will be given a discount of NIS 100

When registering for the next course

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